Anomaly Locating


Correctly staking anomaly locations to be excavated is crucial to a client, especially when there are habitat or environmental concerns. Stark personnel are very experienced at interpreting all the major ILI vendors dig sheets and have been trained how to accurately locate the potential dig sites. Working with the client, Stark will plot the dig locations and determine what will be required to accurately chain-in the anomaly location, prior to mobilization. (Landowners, terrain, etc.) Once the location has been identified, staked, and documented a Location Report will be submitted to the client. Location Report will include upstream and downstream references, location notes, photos, GPS coordinates, and the track / directions used to access the site. All the information you need to make One-calls.

Contact Us

Stark Pipeline Services
30210 Waller Spring Creek Rd. 
Waller, Texas 77484

(281) 357-0762 - Office
(281) 357-0763 - Fax